Monthly Horoscope

Sun Sign leo
Prediction Month May
Prediction Leo, should you text your ex? Probably not, but the temptation might be strong this month - if only so you can speak your mind and get some much-needed closure. In May you'll feel an urge to look back on past relationships, the good and bad, so you can learn important lessons for your current or future partnerships. It might not be a super-comfortable process, but understand that this period is a way to get to know yourself better. That in turn will allow you to attract people into your life who you're truly on the same page with.

Also happening this month: an energy for self-improvement. You're ready to open up different sides of yourself and grow in new ways. Exciting career opportunities could be on the cards, along with the chance of finding new people you can truly be yourself around. The more you lean into this, the more you'll gain.

It's time to jump into the exciting journey of chasing new dreams and creating your life's legacy. New paths are opening up in your career, offering exciting opportunities you didn't even think about. Keep your heart open. Don't forget to take care of relationships and make new friends along the way—they'll be your cheerleaders as you also give them your loving support. And remember, your creativity is a superpower, so let it shine in everything you do.

Your career is glowing up right now, and your Leo horoscope for May 2024 gives you lots of chances to make power moves, so dress to impress. The grounding energy of Taurus season has you focusing on work goals and finishing big projects. The new moon on May 7 is the perfect time to start something important.

But don't be stubborn, as unexpected work opportunities could come your way mid-month, giving you a chance to show off your improvisation skills. You're adding some shine and sparkle to your reputation now and can really impress your bosses and coworkers by showing off your talents. Don't be shy.

Once chatty Gemini season starts on May 20, networking becomes even more important, and you'll be ready to hit some office happy hours or spend more time hanging out with friends. Of course, all work and no play is no way for a Leo to live, so use the fiery vibes of the full moon on May 23 to tap into your passion projects and find ways to express your inner visions to the world.

You're on a roll with work, but your creative side needs room to play, too. A couple days later, lucky planet Jupiter enters your chart's community sector, bringing you a chance to connect with others in a more meaningful way than ever before. You can grow your friendships and make alliances with like-minded people who could change your life over the coming year. Keep an open mind.

Aquarius rules over your romantic relationships, Leo, giving you a chance to find a balance between yourself and love with another. Pluto recently shifted into Aquarius in January 2024, giving you the opportunity to look deeper into the meaning and truth connected with your romantic choices. While Pluto in your house of relationships may bring big changes to this area of your life, it also helps you know that what remains is absolutely meant for you.

On Thursday, May 2, Pluto in Aquarius will station retrograde in Aquarius, giving you a chance to do some deeper inner work around love, connection, and relationships. Pluto brings what was hidden to the surface and usually tends to work with darker themes. So, this could be a chance to explore issues like jealousy, insecurity, fantasies, and the wounds that may still be affecting your romantic relationships. As much as inner work may not always feel the most fun, it truly is where to begin when wanting to improve and change your romantic relationships.

May looks like a month of relationship reflection, career growth, self-discovery, and deeper friendships for you, Leo. Learn from the past, be open to new opportunities, express your creativity, and connect meaningfully with others. With an open heart and willingness to grow, this can be a transformative month that expands your world personally and professionally. Enjoy the adventure!

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