Monthly Horoscope

Sun Sign scorpio
Prediction Month May
Prediction Scorpio, you've been making progress towards inner healing and you've been seeing results. But let's be honest: some things are hard to let go of. With some deep thinking, you might figure out why that is. You'll also realize how much that baggage is affecting your close relationships. This is a great time to deal with these things, especially because the stars are lining up to energize your life in May.

There's set to be an important conversation this month. Whether it's with a friend, a romantic partner or someone else, this chat will give insight to both of you. You'll find out exactly how you should move forward. Expectations will be high.

When the full moon hits, you'll understand that while being self-reliant is your usual way of being, it's okay to depend on other people during your vulnerable moments. Be kind to yourself and others, please, Scorpio.

Life is all about relationships—the connections that shape your sense of self, past and present. This area of life might be both exciting and challenging right now, especially when you're starting fresh or dealing with a big loss. Take the time to grieve, heal, and support yourself through it all. Whether it's reaching out to loved ones or spending meaningful time alone. If it makes sense to you, please remember that belonging is the medicine and main story of life. You are not meant to survive and thrive alone.

Your Scorpio horoscope for May 2024 is bringing relationships to the forefront, as Taurus season lights up your partnerships sector with solar energy and helps you slowly shift your one-on-one dynamics to be better suited to your growth. The new moon on May 7 is the perfect time to share your feelings with the people closest to you or clear your slate when it comes to relationship drama. It's spring, and new beginnings are what this season is all about.

If you're struggling to break through to the other side in matters of love and relationships, the Jupiter cazimi on May 18 could bring some luck and clarity to any conversations that happen mid-month. Trust that the universe has your back!

Emotions start running a little more deeply come May 20, as Gemini season sparks a period of inner reflection when it comes to analyzing what you're putting your energy toward and why. If you're wasting precious time on people, things, or projects that don't really matter, the full moon on May 23 can be an eye-opening time.

Face the truth and use this powerful moon energy to reprioritize and start focusing on the things that actually have meaning in your life. Two days later, lucky planet Jupiter joins the sun in your intimate eighth house, kicking off a year-long cycle of growth and good luck when it comes to protecting your inner peace and building more meaningful bonds with others. You're going through a spiritual growth spurt, and it's important to make sure you surround yourself with supportive vibes.

Everything is coming up with the promise of new beginnings for you in May 2024. This month, one of the main energies is Taurus, which governs over your house of relationships, giving a strong romantic focus to help you create the new beginning you have been dreaming of. Jupiter, a planet of abundance and growth, has been in Taurus since 2023, helping you to break free from any restrictions and see love in a new way.

As this period starts to come to a close, the New Moon in Taurus lets you take everything you've been through and now start to use that to create what you really want.

The New Moon in Taurus is a wonderful time for a new beginning to start dating again or grow your current connection. In Taurus, it's about love, dating, and relationships. The last few weeks of May, Jupiter arrives to help you take all you've learned and realize that love really only gets better once you have improved your relationship with yourself.

May looks like a month of relationship growth, self-reflection, inner healing, and new beginnings for you, Scorpio. Face your baggage, have important talks, be vulnerable, focus on what matters, protect your peace, and create the love you want. With courage and self-love, this can be a transformative month that deepens your bonds and elevates your soul. Welcome the journey!

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